Seaby. Greek coins and their values. Volume I (Europa) [1978]

10,00 $

Year of release: 1978
Author: David R.Sear
Genre: Catalog
Publisher: Seaby Publications Ltd. London
ISBN: 0-900652-46-2
Format: JPG+PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 356
Language: English

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A little outdated, but still justly honored by many as one of the most competent and complete works on the subject!
The first volume of this catalog contains information on the coins of Greek cities in Spain, Galia, Italy, Sicily, Macedonia, Illyria, Central Greece, Peloponese, Aegean Islands and Crete.
317 pages of catalog, plus 40 pages of introductory articles, etc.; 13 maps; table of ancient alphabets; more than 3,000 coin types cataloged and graded; about 1,500 photographic illustrations.


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